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Basic Navigation for campers bikers hikers boaters and road trips

Uses your phone's GPS to show your current latitude and longitude

No cell connection required. Airplane mode ok.

You (and only you) can see:

Distance from home (miles)

Delta Latitude Longitude (from your way point)

Heading (N NE E SE S SW W NW)

Speed (MPH)

Elevation (Feet)


Start Time

Pitch (Relative to mounting)

Day of Week

No of steps walked

4 Way points can show you distance to Tesla: Fremont, Shanghai, Austin and Berlin

Enter your own way points to find your campsite, or a car parked at an airport, etc.

Users of (phone) dash/handle bar mounts will enjoy this app

I want this!

BNAV_RV1 apk for Android A20 (works on some other Androids as well)

Delta Latitude and Longitude Sceen Way points
Find your car in an Airport parking lot
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